Leveraging the School Instructional Maturity Model (SIMM) to Achieve Your Vision for Instruction

In this advanced session for leaders, the author of the School Instructional Maturity Model (SIMM), Michael D. Toth, unpacks the inner workings of the systems-based model for improving schools and creating the classrooms and culture that improve students’ lives. Participants will start by plotting where their district or school currently is in the model and then identify their Destination Vision for Instruction. Michael will then help participants co-construct their systems-improvement pathway to achieve their Destination Vision using SIMM. This session will challenge traditional ways to improve schools with innovative systems thinking and a deeper dive into applicable research.

Session Details
Michael D. Toth
CEO of IE and Award-Winning Author
Instructional Empowerment Inc.
Michael D. Toth is founder and CEO of Instructional Empowerment (IE) and leads IE’s Applied Research Center. He is the author of The Power of Student Teams: Achieving Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Learning in Every Classroom Through Academic Teaming with David Sousa;
Lindsay Elliott, Ed.D.
Senior Research and Product Development Specialist
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Lindsay Elliott is a Senior Research and Product Development Specialist at Instructional Empowerment. Dedicated to education for the past 20+ years, she has supported several Title I schools as a classroom teacher and school-based administrator.
Session Details