Making Agile Improvement Your Powerhouse

Is your leadership team excited about the idea of Agile Improvement, but feeling a little stuck? Are you implementing components of the action board process, but not quite gaining the momentum you were expecting? Agile is not just a framework; it’s a dynamic mindset that empowers teams to adapt and excel in ever-evolving environments. In this session, we will explore advanced strategies to fine-tune your Agile way of work including refining your backlog, using estimation and velocity to sprint plan, and enhancing your retrospectives with a happiness metric. Join us to ensure your Agile processes become a true powerhouse to drive school improvement.

Session Details
Lindsay Elliott, Ed.D.
Senior Research and Product Development Specialist
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Lindsay Elliott is a Senior Research and Product Development Specialist at Instructional Empowerment. Dedicated to education for the past 20+ years, she has supported several Title I schools as a classroom teacher and school-based administrator.
Session Details