“Text First” Planning for Richer Discussions in ELA

Participants will delve into the research of David and Meredith Liben and the “text first” planning approach to enhance discussions around complex texts. We will explore how prioritizing the text itself can lead to deeper comprehension and richer dialogue among students. Attendees will learn strategies for selecting and analyzing texts that provoke critical thinking and stimulate meaningful conversations. Through collaborative activities, educators will learn how to incorporate the Model of Instruction to encourage students to engage with text on a deeper level. 

Session Details
School Leadership Coach
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Marquita McCullum is a School Leadership Coach with Instructional Empowerment. Marquita works with district and school leaders to promote effective core instruction that guarantees students access to grade level standards-aligned content and engaging instructional practices with the intended outcome of developing student agency.
Session Details