Stephanie’s professional focus is working with school leaders to develop evidence-based practices and systems of instruction that grow and support educators and student agency. She is passionate about helping leaders create a collaborative instructional culture based in equity and rigor. The power of learning through collaboration in her own education transferred to her practice in the classroom and leadership roles and has been her emphasis in supporting leaders building leaders.
She retired after 27 years in Missouri in both private and public education as a teacher, tennis coach, instructional technology coordinator, curriculum director, and principal where she worked in a turnaround middle school and made gains in student achievement growth. After being named the Missouri Journalism Teacher of the Year she also spent ten years working with the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism to provide support and programming opportunities for scholastic journalists and teachers with a focus on equity and inclusion.
Stephanie’s academic accomplishments include:
Adams State University – Alamosa, Colorado
BA – English and Secondary Education
Minors: Spanish and psychology
University of Missouri – Columbia
M.Ed – Curriculum and Instruction – English/Journalism Education
Education Specialist – [ELPA] PK-12 Educational Leadership and Administration – Secondary Principal and Superintendency