The Science of Districtwide Adoption for Redesigned Tier 1 Instruction

Learn the science of successful large-scale adoption of Redesigned Tier 1 Instruction where every school and every classroom provides every student with rigorous and engaging deeper learning experiences. This highly rated, interactive session is presented by Michael Toth, author and CEO of Instructional Empowerment. It starts with imagining the powerful future of a vision for instruction where every student thrives every day in transformed classroom learning experiences and explores the impacts of achieving this vision for students, teachers, and leaders.

Next, participants will delve into our future if we stay with our current legacy of teacher-directed instruction with too many disengaged and passive learners where teachers and principals must keep working harder and harder. Then attendees will unpack the science of successful large-scale districtwide adoption that fosters teacher advocacy starting with a coalition of the willing to empower transformative changes in classroom practices.

Participants will learn the phases of successful adoption that successfully changes school and classroom culture to one of ownership, rigor, and high agency for students. This session explores adopting the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning to achieve Redesigned Tier 1 Instruction.

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Session Details