District Leader

As an Applied Research Center, we understand the critical role that data plays in driving strategic decision-making. Without thorough analysis of Instructional Evaluation data, evaluation systems risk being seen as mere compliance tools, rather than serving as growth-oriented models designed to build capacity and improve teaching, learning, and student achievement.
In this session, learn how to make the intentional shift to using more leading data in a continuous improvement cycle to increase student achievement.
In this session you will learn how to be coach for your leadership team and teachers. Learn how to craft and plan for meaningful conversations by using the MOI Implementation Progression to building teacher capacity through feedback.
Learn how to utilize the framework to design and launch highly effective Teacher-Led Teams to deepen implementation of the Model of Instruction.
This practical session will focus on how to create and utilize an Action Board as a powerful tool for driving continuous improvement in your school.
This session will focus on how to identify, support, and strategically leverage these early champions to inspire and motivate others.
Learn how to get started on your school improvement journey by identifying your school's biggest area of need and how to create a sense of urgency for change.
Ready to refine your school’s data strategy? This session will help leaders identify key data types and practices that directly impact decision-making and student outcomes.
Join this session to explore the Dashboard and learn strategies for finding, analyzing, and using the powerful data within it to drive your leadership team's agile processes towards school improvement.
What makes a group of individuals a TEAM? Beyond that, what makes a team effective? Explore the components of Effective Teams in this introductory session to the framework and start making plans to strengthen your own school leadership team.