Changing the Academic Culture One Teacher at a Time: The Journey of Westside High School

At the start of the ’22-’23 school year, instead of text-rich classrooms and student discourse, school talk revolved around Westside’s sources of pride, athletics and Homecoming. In order to truly prepare students for college and careers, it was clear a shift was needed. Principal Endicott, in partnership with IE, set about to disrupt legacy practices and instill an academic culture in one of the state’s lowest performing high schools. She did so by strategically balancing the roles of teacher coach and instructional leader.

This session will explore the leadership moves that led to change and will provide time to collaboratively construct a road map to building and enhancing the academic culture at your school.

Session Details
Allison Kate Endicott
Wyoming County Schools
Ms. Endicott started her educational journey in 2008 as a high school English teacher. She received a master’s degree in literacy education and her school principalship certification from Marshall University.
Session Details