Discover the Power of Why

Each of us has a personal and deeply meaningful “why” for being an educator. At times, the daily challenges of this work may cause us to lose sight of the reason behind our calling. In this keynote session, author and CEO of Instructional Empowerment, Michael D. Toth, guides us to tap into our inner “why,” recharging us and increasing our own motivation for the next school year and for the changes that need to be made in our schools and classrooms for the betterment of students. Get ready to be immersed in an inspiring destination vision for instruction where all students are engaged, successful learners who collaborate with peers to solve problems while elevating each other to achieve their best. This isn’t an aspirational dream; Michael will detail how to arrive at this destination and achieve your personal “why” mission for all students.

Session Details
Michael D. Toth
CEO of IE and Award-Winning Author
Instructional Empowerment Inc.
Michael D. Toth is founder and CEO of Instructional Empowerment (IE) and leads IE’s Applied Research Center. He is the author of The Power of Student Teams: Achieving Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Learning in Every Classroom Through Academic Teaming with David Sousa;
Session Details