Early Adopters – The Power Source for Successful Innovation

As a leader you are fired up to take on an innovation that you believe will transform your school. But are your teachers with you? In this session you will learn how to ensure that everyone at your school embraces and sustains innovation.

Session Details
Lindsey Basileo
Director of Research
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Basileo has over 15 years of experience in social science research and 8 years in education. She received her doctorate at Florida State University in 2010 and is a nationally certified What Works Clearinghouse reviewer in Group Design Standards (Version 4.0 and 4.1).
Lindsay Elliott, Ed.D.
Senior Research and Product Development Specialist
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Lindsay Elliott is a Senior Research and Product Development Specialist at Instructional Empowerment. Dedicated to education for the past 20+ years, she has supported several Title I schools as a classroom teacher and school-based administrator.
Libba Lyons
Senior Research Analyst
Instructional Empowerment
Dr. Merewyn E. (“Libba”) Lyons is a Senior Research Analyst with the Applied Research Center of Instructional Empowerment.
Session Details